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Posted On Jul 11 2022

DENTAL CARIES – A Complete Explanation

DENTAL CARIES – A Complete Explanation


Dental caries is another name for Dental Decay caused by certain bacteria. Also known as Dental Cavities. Everybody must have herd of these names. Well our team at Vraj Group of Dental Clinics is all set to explain all the facts about Dental Caries.

Let’s first know what are Dental caries and how it occurs?

          Human mouth is home to many bacteria which turn sugar and carbohydrate present in our daily food into acid. These acids dissolve outer layer of tooth called Enamel. This leads to pit formation on tooth and if not taken care of these pits can grow larger in size over a period of time which is called caries.

How caries progress?

As explained earlier, acids formed by bacteria attack enamel. Once they have destroyed enamel after that it only progresses further. From enamel it advances to dentin which contains dentinal tubules resulting in tooth sensitivity. At this stage there might be mild to moderate sensitivity to hot/cold/sweet food and/or pain in the tooth. If not diagnosed and treated at this stage, it can further go deep and involve the pulp of the tooth. By this time there can be pain, swelling, difficulty in chewing, bleeding and/or pus discharge from tooth or gums around the tooth.

Is it necessary to treat tooth decay?

The answer to this question is “YES”. It is absolutely necessary to treat tooth decay as soon as possible. Of course there are certain ways with which we can prevent decay. But once formed it can only progress since it is an irreversible condition. Thus it becomes very important to diagnose as well as treat it at an early stage. Because once it reaches root then more extensive and invasive treatment can be required.

          And so, our doctors at Vraj Group of Dental Clinics strongly suggest that tooth decay at any stage should not be neglected and addressed right away to avoid pain and more invasive treatments.

How can a person know if he/she has developed dental caries?

Well, of course tooth sensitivity and pain are the obvious symptoms indicating dental decay. But there are certain silent symptoms can also point out that there is something unusual about the tooth. Such as gap between two teeth, food lodgement, black or brown pigmentation on tooth, pus discharge from the gums adjacent to tooth.

These can all be the signs telling that it is time for you to visit Vraj Group of Dental Clinics and get a dental check-up done by our doctors!

What are the treatments for dental decay?

If diagnosed at an early stage, when caries are still within enamel or dentin then a tooth can be cleaned of decay and filled with a suitable dental material. Whereas, if it already has reached pulp area then in such case root canal treatment is indicated to clean the roots effectively from bacterial infection.

How to know which type of treatment to go for?

You don’t need to worry about that because the doctors at VGDC are all equipped to diagnose and treat your dental caries. To undergo treatment it is necessary to know the extent of caries first. For that, a full mouth check-up is performed at VGDC. Also X-rays of carious tooth are taken to know where the caries are and the final treatment plan is decided by our doctors based on that.

Only adults develop caries?

Not only adults, but children also can develop dental caries even in their primary teeth because of the lifestyle that we live and the processed food that we eat. Moreover, children tend to be less aware of their oral hygiene which makes them more prone to dental decay.


After discussing all these facts, it is imperative that the best way to prevent decay is by maintaining proper oral hygiene. This includes not only brushing in the morning but also at bed time. Flossing and using anti-bacterial mouthwash can also help in fighting the bacterial formation. So, keep your mouth healthy and keep smiling! In case of need of an assistance you are always welcome at Vraj Group of Dental Clinics!!




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