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Home /Gum Surgery

Painless Gum Care Treatments In Vadodara

  • Gum surgery or periodontal surgery is done when a patient has any underlined gum diseases.
  • Gum disease are the diseases that affects our gums surrounding the tooth.
  • There are numerous factors playing part in the cause of gum disease or triggering the gum disease.
  • Just like gum diseases there are periodontal diseases. All the structure surrounding a tooth are categorized under periodontium. Structures such as: Gingiva, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and cementum.
  • If any structure apart from our teeth is affected then we consider them under periodontal surgery and as gingiva comes under periodontium, we broadly consider gum surgery under periodontal surgery only.




  • Vraj group of dental clinics are the best group of dental clinics in Vadodara/Baroda.
  • A surgeon who performs periodontal surgery or any disease related to periodontium is known as PERIODONTIST.
  • For any gum disease there has to be a root cause for either beginning that disease or triggering that disease.
  • The main cause considered for gingivitis or periodontitis are mainly oral bacteria’s or oral microbiome.
  • And we need to remove those bacteria’s and make our oral environment less bacterial prone.
  • These bacteria accumulate around our teeth in between the gingiva and teeth.
  • If we don’t remove that bacterial biofilm it damages and affects gingiva and periodontal bone.
  • So, firstly we remove the bacterial biofilm. Then reshape the bone that might have been lost. And then try to prevent the future gum damage.
  • There are different stages of gum or periodontal diseases depending upon the extent of its spread:
    • Gingivitis
    • Early/slight periodontitis
    • Late/moderate periodontitis
    • Advanced periodontitis
  • These stages are given according to the extent of structures involved and damaged due to the bacteria.
  • It is ideal to have a dental check up every 6 months. And getting teeth cleaned once or twice a year according to your plaque build-up is very important.




  • Among all the above-mentioned stages of the disease, the patients with severe or advanced periodontitis are advised for periodontal surgeries.
  • What are gum problems leading to severe stage of gum disease?
    • Red, swollen and bleeding gums.
    • Pockets formation between gums and teeth.
    • Teeth getting lose.
    • Pain while chewing.
    • Bad breath – also known as halitosis.
    • Gum recession.
  • If all these problems are not treated before, then they might lead to more severe form of disease spreading to the extent involving bone at different sites in the oral cavity.
  • Apart from the diseases, if a patient wants to have the surgery for cosmetic reasons then they can opt for the gum surgeries. Mostly “GUMMY SMILE”.
  • Gummy smile patients are those people who when they laugh, more then normal proportion of gums shows.
  • Gum surgery is also performed for removing that excessive gum in surgery.
  • Vraj group of dental clinics have experienced and highly educated doctors making it one of the best dental clinics in Vadodara.




  • Our doctors at vraj group of dental clinics, take the entire dental and medical history of the patient.
  • Taking the dental and medical history helps the dentist to know their patient quite well and helps them to plan the treatment accordingly.
  • Then the oral examination is done. And they check for any oral condition that might increase the healing time of the surgery.
  • Certain underlined medical conditions do not promote wound healing that well.
  • Then the complete treatment plan and the procedure that is to be carried on the patient along with the advantages and its risk are all explained to the patients. 
  • Few weeks or days prior to the surgery the patients are advised to stop some medication if they are already taking for their medical condition.
  • If any patient has smoking or drinking habit, then they are advised to stop the habit a day or two prior to the surgery. (ideally, they are advised to terminate the habit for the proper oral health)
  • Before starting the surgery, the dentist first removes the plaque or calculus accumulated on the tooth surface. This is called as supragingival scaling.
  • Then sub gingival scaling is done for removing the plaque or calculus from beneath the gingiva. This is called as called as Subgingival scaling.
  • For the surgical procedure, then the dentist injects local anaesthesia.
  • After all the initial and basic protocols, the surgery begins.
  • A small incision is made along the gum line and then the gum is lifted away from the teeth.
  • The lifted gums give clear vision to the dentist of the roots and bone that are to be treated.
  • After the perfect visualization dentist can remove the tartar from the exposed surface.
  • After the deep cleaning and planning is done the actual treatment begins which is gum reshaping, pocket removal, bone regeneration or any surgery required.




  • There are different types of periodontal surgeries depending upon the structure to be treated.
  • The type of surgery is often decided and suggested by the periodontist depending upon all the factors involved.
  • Types:
    1. Pocket reduction: In this surgery the surgeon makes incision on the gingiva and lifts the gingiva and folds it little bit lower on the tooth. This kind of surgery is also called as Gingival Flap Surgery.
    2. Crown lengthening: This is a surgery where gingiva is cut so that the crown gets a bit longer or as desired.
    3. Regeneration:  in this surgery the incision is made on gingiva and gingiva is lifted to remove all the bacteria’s attached to the tooth and gum surface. Then the bone graft is placed and then gingiva is sutured back to let the regeneration process begin. Here, the regeneration occurs of the soft tissue as well as the bone.
    4. Soft tissue graft: in this procedure, soft tissue is taken from some other site and then it is used to replace the lost or receded gum to cover the open portion of the teeth.
    5. Guided tissue regeneration: Here in this procedure a small amount of material is placed between the gums and bone to enhance the regeneration process.
    6. Gingivectomy: in this surgery an excessive or over grown gingiva is cut to give more appealing appearance aesthetically.
    7. Gingivoplasty: This surgery is performed on health gum tissue to reshape it for more aesthetic appearance according to patients will and as advised by the periodontist.
    8. Protein: sometimes periodontists also put some protein get in the infected or affected area which they just made bacterial free and the protein which is used helps proper regeneration of bone and tissue.
  • If a gum surgery is not done even with the high amount of infection on the gums, teeth and bones then the infection might increase further damaging more and more sites in the oral cavity.
  • It is always advised to keep and maintain our oral hygiene in great condition.
  • All the bacteria’s that accumulate in our oral cavity are due to the environment they get if proper oral hygiene is not maintained.
  • If not prevented in early stages then it can cause extensive damage to our oral cavity.
  • Bad oral health can be the leading cause of some of the most common and severe health disease such as:
    • Diabetes
    • Cardiovascular diseases
    • Cancer
    • Osteoporosis
  • So, it is better to be maintaining our oral health from the beginning and more so to get a dental check up once a twice a year.




  • We always make sure at vraj group of dental clinics to have weekly follow up just after the surgery to check the healing and for suture removal if any taken.
  •  During the recovery phase after your treatment your periodontist would advise you for an antiseptic mouthwash to avoid any infection.
  • Along with the oral hygiene regime you need to follow the doctor might as well put you on some antibiotics and analgesics (NSAIDs).
  • Patients are also advised to consume soft diet for a day or two and cold or room temperature diet or drinks.

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