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Posted On Sep 24 2020


We are aware of this worldwide fact that “Chocolates are bad for teeth” but why are they considered BAD? – not just chocolates all things containing SUGAR. Well, let me burst the bubble its actually not the sweet/sugar but the process they bring along with them in our mouth. A series of events takes place when we eat sugar. Which directly promotes the decaying of tooth.


As we all know that our mouth/oral cavity is full of bacteria amongst which some are friendly and some are damaging. What does this harmful bacteria’s do ??? How are they related to sugar and tooth decay??? Let’s get our facts clear.



What does these bacteria’s do????

These bacteria’s produce acids that leads to enamel damage. These acids harm the tooth structure by removing the minerals from the tooth causing DEMINERALIZATION.


Enamel is the protective layer of the tooth that is the outer most visible layer. The process of demineralization is the common process that takes place day by day but it also gets reversed by REMINERALIZATION. Saliva causing remineralization of enamel with the minerals present in it. 


Bacteria and its relation with sugar…..

The effects of Acid Attack accelerate when we eat sugar. After eating sweet,bacteria reacts with the sugar and lowers the pH of our oral cavity leading to tooth decay. That’s like sugar attracts harmful bacteria. They together form a sticky, colourless film on the tooth surface known as dental plaque. They even begin to decay our tooth surface.


Saliva plays a major role here as a protective agent. This is the place where brushing also plays a role in removing sticky sugar particles that would later eat our teeth. So always CLEAN THOSE TEETH… 


Initially it all begins with a small pit or fissure and then slowly making its way to the structures present underneath enamel forming a CAVITY.


What we eat is the soul of all the processes discussed above:

  1. Consuming food items with high amount of sugar
  2. Sugar drinks
  3. Acidic Beverages and soft drinks
  4. Sticky food


How to prevent all this???

  1. Avoid sugary diet and beverages
  2. Follow a well-advised oral hygiene routine
  3. Regular dental check-ups
  4. Scaling and oral prophylaxis

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