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For Appointment call on : 9427784433
Posted On Jun 15 2022
TEETH WHITENING: Unfolding the entire Procedure
Do you want to improve your smile? Or get back the shine of your teeth?
Vraj Group of Dental Clinics suggests teeth whitening for you. Having naturally white and shinier teeth is a bliss but not everybody has it. Well, not to worry about that as the senior and specialist doctors at Vraj Group of Dental Clinics can make it possible for you. Teeth Whitening is the procedure where the stains, yellow layer or any discouloration on teeth is removed from teeth surfaces. This can give the natural white colour to the teeth that can look aesthetically better. In this world of selfies and social media, there is no harm in having a charming smile when you can just have it by an effective and simple method called Teeth Whitening and that too in a matter of days.
Having a beautiful smile is everybody’s dream but sometimes it becomes difficult to maintain due to some personal habits or bad condition of teeth. Let’s see few reasons behind tooth discoloration:
There are some reasons which we can easily control whereas there are some which are beyond our control. But why worry when we can treat it for you by whitening the teeth.
Teeth Whitening in Vadodara is also called as Bleaching. First, teeth surfaces are cleaned with ultrasonic cleaning instrument by our dental expert to make sure that all the teeth surfaces are free from tartar deposite. After cleaning, the gel of beaching agent is applied which gets absorbed by outer layer of the tooth surface. Here, different chemical reactions take place which clean the pores on the outer layer called enamel. Our dental expert will use the amount of bleaching agent as per the condition of teeth.
There is a popular myth that teeth whitening can damage the teeth due to the chemicals used during the procedure. However, the fact is that these chemicals simply penetrate the teeth surfaces to make them clean.
Also, There is a myth that crowns and bridges fixed on natural teeth will also get whitened. This is not possible as they are generally resistant to bleaching materials. Thus Bleaching will only whiten natural teeth.
Well, It is a fact that teeth become sensitive after Bleaching. Especially for 5 to 7 days after undergoing whitening procedure. Some may feel it for a little longer period of time. But this can easily be managed by using desensitizing paste. And looking at the brighter smile, it is worth all of it.
There are certain home based teeth whitening options available in the market such as bleaching gels, trays, strips and pastes. These products have remarkable amounts of bleaching agents that basically removes stains from the teeth and make them look whiter and shinier. However, it is always advisable to get it done by professionals to get the superior results as stronger agents are used and a dental expert can customize the concentration of bleaching agent. Further, mouth and gums are protected and a dentist can manage any tooth sensitivity or other issues that may arise from treatment.
DR. Ujas Shah
Director of Vraj Group Of Dental Clinics says that teeth whitening is the perfect option to treat your degrading smile when compared to other expensive and more invasive treatment options such as veneers. On top of it, Bleaching gives whiter look to your teeth instantly. Always remember that it is not a permanent solution as it highly depends on one’s eating habits as well as oral hygiene. But it is surely a treatment option you are looking for to maintain your pleasing smile for a prolonged period.
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