Wisdom teeth can be quite a pain. A vast majority of the population does not have enough space in their oral cavity to accommodate the wisdom teeth. The teeth end up getting stuck in the bone (Impaction) and cause pain. The teeth need to them be removed by the dentist.
- Initial consultation
- Radiographs
- Explanation of procedure to patient
- Surgical extraction
- Local anesthesia is given.
- Flap is raised to reveal the hidden/stuck tooth.
- Bone around the tooth is cut to allow for removal of tooth.
- Tooth is loosened.
- Tooth is removed.
- Sutures are placed.
- Sutures are removed after 1 week.
Here are a few other things to keep in mind:
- As the patient, you will feel the pressure while the tooth is removed. However, due to the anesthesia, you will not feel the pain.
- Sometimes the tooth may be cut or sectioned into pieces to allow for easy removal.
- The dentist will give you a set of instructions to follow and medications to use after removal of the teeth. Make sure you follow their advise.

