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Home /Root Canal Treatment



This treatment goes deeper inside tooth and for that a person who performs the treatment should be beholding a complete knowledge of the anatomy of the tooth. When we talk about anatomy of the tooth the main part where the Root canal treatment (RCT) is done comes beneath all layers of the tooth:

  • PULP.



  • When you suffer toothache because of tooth decay.
  • It all begins with a small carious spot on the tooth which, if left untreated goes deeper spreading the caries or decay through out the tooth. The decay or caries even spreads the infection to the pulp of the tooth which causes unbearable pain to the patients and drags the patients to the dentist for urgent treatment.
  • After going deep into all the upper layer’s, we then enter the main part of concern – PULP. Pulp is where all the sensations and pain and discomfort come from. In order to remove all the pain and discomfort, we need to clean the root canal. And hence, it is said “ROOT CANAL TREATMENT”.




  • The pain in the tooth that involves the pulp nerves shows extreme pain symptoms depending upon the triggering factors that might enhance the pain. Patients mostly suffers from intense pain initially and sensitivity. Later when timepasses the pain gets reduced because the infection mostly makes the pulp nerves dead.
  • If you take painkillers then they might work but that’s just a matter for a week or two and that won’t subside the pain permanently. That’s just temporary relief.

It is ideal to get the treatment done as soon as you suffer from any pain or discomfort.



  • When you enter the dental clinic for root canal treatment, firstly, all the oral examinations are done. After the basic oral examination an intraoral radiograph is taken. The intraoral radiograph helps to rule out the further diagnosis that we might need to do. Such as:
  1. How many roots are present?
  2. How much the canal is calcified?
  3. The position of the root.
  4. The shape of the root.
  5. It helps to estimate the working length of the tooth.
  6. It helps to check if any periapical lesions are present.

Because if the infection is left untreated it might run down to the periapical area and may infect the bone even. This type of periapical lesions gives kind of severe pain and swelling and after some days the pain even vanishes making the tooth dead.

So, it is very important to take a pre-operative periapical radiograph before started the root canal treatment.

As the doctor finishes all the necessary diagnostic procedures the main treatment begins which is root canal treatment. Throughout all these years the dental treatments have advanced in favour of the patients. And when I say in favour it is definitely giving them the pain free dental treatment that they are usually worried about. Yes, at Vraj group of dental clinics we provide pain free root canal treatment.

We have always heard patients complain about pain during and after the root canal treatment but believe me here, that is not going to happen. We assure a pain free dental treatment always.

We at vraj group of dental clinics divide our root canal treatment into different phases for the ease of patients to understand:

  1. Caries removal.
  2. Removing the pulp tissue.
  3. Access opening.
  4. Gaining straight line access.
  5. Cleaning and shaping the canals. Also known as Bio-Mechanical preparation.
  6. Obturation.
  7. Restoration.  



If a patient has caries, the first thing we do is removing the caries or decayed part on the tooth. the caries is removed with the help of aerotor. It is like a high-speed machine with works to remove the stubborn caries/decay from the tooth. The aerotor and its bur are the basic instruments we need for the first phase of treatment. 


  • Then after we remove all the decay and carious portion of tooth, we enter the coronal pulp and we need to remove pulp tissue from there as well.
  • Then along with cleaning the coronal pulp we get an access opening. Access opening is a straight-line access to the root canal. To get the straight-line access correct we need to clean the root canal as well.
  • For the cleaning and shaping of the canal we use endo files.
  •  Endo files are small mechanical tools that are used to clean the root canal. The are numbered according to the size.
  • The bio-mechanical preparation begins with the smaller number of file and then moving to larger files.
  • There are some solutions used during the bio mechanical preparations such as: normal saline, EDTA, sodium hypochlorite, etc there are called as root canal medicaments and root canal irrigates. They tend to remove the pulp tissue more efficiently.
  • After the bio mechanical procedure, the canal should to completely cleaned and dried. We take a radiograph during this process to check the status of the treatment


  • The main objective to a root canal treatment is final obturation. The root canal treatment is a complex procedure where in each step the dentist perform for the treatment is very important.
  • If we talk about general terms then obturation means sealing the hole as in filling the gap.
  • In dentistry, obturation means filling the root canal that we cleaned from the infection.
  • Obturation should be done so intact that no other infection can cross the path. No gap or space should be left.
  • There are different types of obturation techniques:
    • Warm compaction technique:
      • Vertical compaction technique
      • Lateral compaction technique
    •  Cold compaction technique
  • These are the techniques that we mostly use. But there are even more techniques theoretically:
    • Chemically plasticized gutta percha.
    • Carrier based gutta percha.
    • McSpadden thermochemical compaction.
    • Continuous wave compaction technique.
  • For an ideal obturation, the canal must be dried. Paper points are used to dry out the canal after irrigation.
  • We use gutta percha for obturation. They are available in cone forms and could be used one or many as much as needed.
  • The moto for obturation is to seal the canal – no voids/space/gap.
  • If the obturation is not done properly it can lead to re-infection, leakage- coronal leakage or apical leakage.
  • So obturation is very important step.

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